Sunday, May 10, 2009

There is (apparently) always a rational explanation!

I look out of my office window every day (well, I have to take a break from all of this work sometimes) across the Bay of Fundy and its huge expanse of rising and falling tides. Every day I see some signs of life, usually in the air or on the ground.

Bald eagles swoop and dive over the cliffs, coming to rest upon Coalmine Point. Groundhogs, who have made their burrows inside the old mine shafts and our local fox, usually followed closely by a local beagle!

I have yet to see signs of life emerge from the waters but recently we have had reports of a creature with a dorsal fin close to the beach. We even had reports that this creature was seen up the local tidal river in the town of River Hebert.

Yesterday, two of our team, Liz and Cathy returned from the beach thrilled by their sighting of the creature close to the beach and then further along.

We have learned today that our friendly visitor is most likely to be a harbour porpoise. Now there is a small part of me disappointed that we don't have our very own mystical beast, like the Loch Ness Monster or the Beast of Bodmin or even Sasquatch, but I am still thrilled to be able to look out of my office window and there I might see my first sighting of a porpoise.

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