Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vehicle Donated to the Joggins Fossil Institute by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

This is our new vehicle generously donated to the Joggins Fossil Institute by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. At first glance, this vehicle may not seem to mesh with the environmental conservation initiatives of the Joggins Fossil Institute. However, since this vehicle has been well maintained, it still gets close to the same fuel economy as a new vehicle of the same proportions. Also, there are certain environmental impacts that are associated with recycling an older vehicle and the production of a new one. In fact, a 2004 study by Toyota states that as much as 28% of the carbon dioxide pollution generated by a vehicle throughout its lifespan takes place during the vehicle’s production and transportation to the dealership!(1) Since this truck has already completed this part of its lifecycle, it makes sense to keep it on the road and well maintained to ensure maximum fuel economy. By doing so, the Joggins Fossil Institute has saved 28% of the CO2 emissions associated with buying a new vehicle.

As you can see, we’ve equipped the truck with a snowplough for removing snow from the Joggins Fossil Centre parking area: a job which was previously contracted out to a private business. As some of you with longer driveways and businesses may know, the cost of having snow removed can be high and is something that has to be considered when assessing budgets. However, with the addition of this truck and snowplough, the Joggins Fossil Institute is saving literally thousands of dollars! Besides ploughing snow, the Institute uses the truck for transporting recyclables, refundables and waste to the appropriate facilities. This also saves the Institute money because in the past, this was contracted out as well. The truck will also be used for transporting materials, such as fossils, to and from the Centre.

As a non-profit charitable organization, the Joggins Fossil Institute must take great care in managing its finances. Since the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources has graciously donated this vehicle, the Institute can reallocate the funds used previously for snow and waste removal to other vital areas needed to maintain the integrity of the world-class experience to be had at the Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Thanks once again to the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources for their generosity in donating this vehicle to the Joggins Fossil Institute.

1: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=when-used-cars-are-more-ecofriendly

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