Saturday, May 26, 2012

Adopt A Highway May 2012

On Friday, May 25th, ten Joggins Fossil Institute staff and three community volunteers, cleaned 5 km of highway between Joggins and Maccan. The entire clean up took approximately three and a half hours and produced over 50 bags of garbage, and 10 bags of refundable.
In Cumberland County, our solid waste is separated as follows:
Compostable Organics (including fruit and vegetable scraps, leaves, weeds, paper towels, napkins, tea bags, coffee grounds, boxboards like cereal boxes, and excludes meat, fish, bones, dairy products, fat, and grease). These are put into your backyard composter or in your green cart.
Recyclables (beverage containers, jars, bottles, most plastic bags and packaging, tin or aluminum cans, corrugated cardboard, newsprint, glossy paper, egg cartons, milk containers). These mustbe put in clear, non-coloured bags or transparent blue bags.
Residual garbage (anything other than recyclable material, backyard compostable material, leaf and yard waste, construction and demolition debris, scrap metal, hazardous materials or any materials banned by the Municipality or The Dept. of the Environment). All residual garbage must be in clear, non-coloured bags.
Scrap metal can be disposed (for no charge) at Cumberland Central Landfill, and at the scrap metal areas of Transfer Stations (Wallace, Wentworth, Greenville, Southampton, Crossroads, Advocate, River Hebert, and Pugwash). Construction and demolition debris can also be disposed at these Transfer Stations.
Please see Cumberland County's website for more information on solid waste management in our area. (
It is also great to follow the six R's (Yes! There are 6!): RETHINK, RESPECT, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE, and RESTORE.

Let's try to keep our roadways, forests, and communities clean and put our solid waste where it belongs! 

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