Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Joggins Fossil Institute Conducts First Cleanup of Maccan Woods

Friday was our first cleanup of the Maccan Woods, a 5km stretch along Route 242 which the Joggins Fossil Institute has adopted through Nova Scotia’s “Adopt-a-Highway” Program. We had 13 volunteers who worked for 5 hours to collect 8 tires, a kitchen sink, a bumper, various car parts, cans, bottles, clothes, and 42 bags of garbage!

The Joggins Fossil Institute’s application to adopt this section of highway is valid under the condition that cleanups are conducted twice a year in the spring and fall for the next three years. “No Littering” signs will be installed as well as signs to let motorists know that the Joggins Fossil Institute has adopted this highway. We would like to thank the River Hebert/Parrsboro Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Depot for supplying the team with safety vests, garbage bags, and safety signage for the cleanup.

Although no amount of litter is acceptable, this section of Route 242 appears to attract more than its fair share of waste. The Joggins Fossil Institute believes that by participating in the “Adopt-a-Highway” program, we can help to keep part of Route 242 clean which will benefit the community and instil a sense of pride for its residents.

For more information about the “Adopt-a-Highway” program, please visit http://www.gov.ns.ca/agri/wi/projects/adopt.shtml

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