Thursday, May 27, 2010

How are our junior gardeners making out?

You may remember that on Earth Day we were visited by the children of River Hebert Elementary School.

The students came to the centre to learn about growing their own food, learn about composting and to make a recycled pop bottle greenhouse, to plant a pumpkin seed, which they were to take home, and hopefully bring back their pumpkin on Halloween and enter it into our pumpkin competition.

We were wondering how the pumpkins were faring. It seems that some pumpkins haven't fared too well, whilst others are growing slow and steady. The students are enjoying taking care of their baby plants and it seems there is a real atmosphere of competition building up!

So, here is an insider secret we can share with the children on growing great pumpkins:

The Sugar Water Method
Wait until a pumpkin develops, and has grown to be about 6 inches across.
Fill a bowl with 50 percent water and 50 percent white granulated sugar. If you want to use milk instead of water, this will work well too. Dunk your cotton string into this mixture.
Make a small slit with your knife in the base of the pumpkin's stem, about 4 inches above the pumpkin. Insert one end of your cotton string into the slit, and keep the other end in your sugar water mixture. The pumpkin will slowly suck up the sugar mixture, helping it grow bigger.

(Image: Bayden shows off his recycled pop bottle greenhouse)


  1. Hello

    I just wanted to let you know that I have been looking after my pumpkin all by myself. Well my mom has been helping a little. Telling me when I should water it. My pumpkin is doing good. I planted it outside about 2 weeks ago and it is getting bigger by the week. I hope a pumpkin grows soon.
    Do you know how long it takes tell a pumpkin will start to grow?

  2. We're so happy that your plant is doing well.

    About ten weeks after planting your pumpkin you will see the first flowers suddenly appear. Each flower blooms for only one day. They start to unfurl just before dawn, and during a four hour period, they open fully and by mid-day, they are on a slow course of folding in on themselves; by dusk, they are sealed forever.

    Then you will see that the female flowers (yep, there are male and femal flowers)are the ones, which eventually turn into tiny pumpkins, which will get much bigger in no time.

    Keep caring for your plant and soon you will be able to see what was special about the seeds we gave you.

  3. This is fantastic. Keep up the great work, the future is in the little hands. With them they will make a big difference for the future.A great idea having the children involved.

  4. This is so great.You all are doing a great job.
    It is so nice to see you are getting the children involved.


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